There is no spectacular city on water, no gondola’s, no canals and no invitation list that the best of the best are trying to get on. This is definitely not Venice, but in the northern part of Calabria, you can find a town taken over by the festive spirit that has quite a reputation in the south. Set against the back drop of the imposing Polino mountains, for the week of Carnevale Castrovillari comes alive with singing and dancing as thousands flock to watch the street processions.
Bel ragazzo and I were among the crowds watching the numerous floats ranging from the local children dressed in traditional garments, to the shiny lights and colourful feathers on the Brazilian's (who must have been very cold dancing down the street skimpily clad in their sequined bikini's.)There were pirates, clowns, kings and queens that defiantly filled me with the 'Carnevale' spirit.
After the procession we went back home to get ready for our own Carnevale celebrations. Here in
Malito and apparently many other towns, you get dressed up with costumes and masks, then go around from house to house while people have to guess who you are. Hands have to be covered, as does your hair and your whole face (makes it to easy to guess who you are otherwise!) Once your identity is known, off comes the mask and out comes the wine and sweets. We dressed up in fine military style for my first Calabrian Carnevale.
Bright costumes:

No wonder your head got so hot in this costume... you both look very cute. I'll still don't know how anyone could have figured out it was you two!
That previous comment was from Melanie!
Dear Melanie,
We we were very hot in deed in those masks! I literally had sweat pouring down my face. The next night I opted for something a little cooler to cover my face!
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