Sunday, 23 January 2011

Baby update: Friday

I woke up a little happy, and a little sad. Happy since both my rooms mates were being discharged so I'd finally have the room to myself. Sad since my contractions had disappeared completely and I was back to the drawing board. Friday was what they called my day of rest (a.k.a no stimulation) but in reality it was the day that I really began getting monitored just a little too much! It's my own fault really, on Tuesday I complained I was ignored, by Friday I was getting harassed.

The doctor once more did his rounds and called me into the visiting rooms for an ultrasound to check babies size, liquid levels etc... Just as I was about to leave the room the chief doctor entered and the normal doctor started to fill him in on my situation. When the word diabetes was mentioned this chief wanted to know why no one had been monitoring my glucose levels. He was quite shocked and ordered at once that the diabetes specialist be sent down to give me a check up. I didn't really think it was necessary, I just wanted to be stimulated again and get the baby on its way out, but no - it was my day of rest so that was out of the question.

From that morning on I have had no peace. The diabetes specialist came for a visit, then I was handed a giant, empty container which I had to pee in for the next 24 hours, I had to give more vials of my blood and urine for testing. I was told that from then on my blood would be taken at 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00 every day, 3 time a day my glucose levels would be tested, my blood pressure was to me measured 2-3 times a day on top of my frequent fetal heart/contraction scans.

I went to bed that night with bruises over my arms from the continuous blood tests, but with peace and quiet now that the room was finally my own. I was woken once, in what I thought was a dream by an over eager nurse coming to take my blood pressure at midnight, but that was just a distant memory as I drifted back into an uninterrupted sleep.

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