I just ordered a nice bunch of books on www.amazon.co.uk so hope to have them ready and waiting for me when I get to Malito next week. If you live in Europe and want to buy books in English then it is much better to use the British site then the American one. I mostly buy the used books which you can get from 0.01p (obviously you pay in pounds) and the postage is 3.94 per book. I use amazon all the time and have found it much cheaper then buying an English language book from a book shop.
So I hope to have some book reviews coming too. I have not had anything to read for a while and I miss reading!

(These photos have no relevance to books, but Nikita our new Nikon took these photos during our afternoon walk the other day.)
Very very good to know Leanne! Thanks for sharing that little gem!
Oh and as for "How" I came to be in Milan... I should really do a long post one of these days but I get so stressed when I think about all the bureaucracy I've had to suffer in this country (I'm sure u understand!) Would however be informative for many ppl I think.. In my case it involves a "bel ragazzo" too! ;) We met and were together for some time in Sydney when he got homesick (after being in Australia 7 years) and asked if I want to go and experience Italy, meet his family and understand his culture... Which of course I thought was SOOO Romantic! Naturally it was a bit rocky to adapt at first but we are cosy and settled at the moment... VISA etc complicates things tho so what to do next is indeed the question!
Hi Carmen,
Wow, it seems that you have a story to tell, and it would be helpful for some, and plain old interesting to others!
How romantic that your bel ragazzo asked you to come and experience his side of the world. I cannot wait to see what is next in store for you both!
Leanne what kind of books do you like-I might have some you like and I will send
Awwww Leanne you are so encouraging :) Thanks!! Originally I wanted to blog as a way to practice my writing... but I do admire how honest & real you are when you blog always makes it interesting... I just may post a little more "personal" post one of these days cos of u... Cheers x
Hi Glenda,
Thanks for the thought. I have no particular preference when it comes to books...just as long as they are good and can keep me interested till the end which is a hard ask.
I have ordered heaps of amazon so am set for some time but I'll let you know if I need a refreshment. Thanks :)
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