Thursday 6 November 2008

Random Rome

Here are some random shots of Rome that we took with our new camera. The count down is on...soon no more Rome so take advantage of the photo's while you can!

It has been raining on and off for the last few days, but the temperature has still been very warm, even of course I have been getting my fill of gelato! There is a gelateria/bar which opened in Malito this year, but I am not sure if they will be making gelato in the winter.

Soon there will be no more discovering deserted back streets in the centre of Rome.

Where I'm going, there will be no brown tourist signs pointing you in the right direction...where I'm going I'll most probably be the only tourist!

No more living next to San Giovanni.

Where I'm going there will be lots of these.

In Malito there are no mammouth buildings, just a multicoloured countryside.

Cannot wait to head south!


Anonymous said...

I love the pic of you eating the gelato!!!

Let the countdown begin. I will have to live vicariously through least until I move to the south of Italy :P I can't wait to hear what you are up to in Malito!! Please send over un grande bacione to my town....I miss it SO much!!

Enjoy your last handful of days in least work won't get in the way of that!! :)

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Hi Lulu,

I'm going to go and visit your town when I am in Malito, so I'll say hello to the village for you!

And I'll take some photos too so you can see it under the blanket of winter!

Rosa said...

That first photo got a laugh from me!
You a-l-m-o-s-t sound like you will miss Rome !
I'll look forward to hearing about the Aussie who's gone down under. Don't forget your gumboots...

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Hi Scintilla,
Glad you got a laugh out of the first pic!

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

cute photos and good luck with the big move!