Say the name Positano, and you'd be hard pressed to find a person who does not know what or where you are talking about. Many say that Positano is the most beautiful and the most famous town along the Amalfi Coast...I'll leave that for you to fight out amongst yourselves, but one thing is for sure - this 'town of romance' 'town of artists' this 'vertical town' is amazing.

Bel ragazzo and I went on a tour with work a month or so ago to visit the Amalfi Coast. We had a little bit of free time in Positano, before being whisked away to Amalfi. Our guide (who was half Australian!) said that the name Positano derives from the word 'posa'. Apparently there was a boat that was transporting a painting of the Virgin Mary. Whilst out a sea, they encountered a terrible storm and started hearing a voice softly chanting 'posa, posa, posa.' The sailors anchored down in the nearest bay, and set the painting of the Virgin Mary down on the shore. As soon as she touched the shore...legend has it that the storm subsided and thus the name Positano was born.

There are many other stories about how the town got its name. Another popular story is that Poseidon, the God of the Sea founded Positano, for his love - the Nymph Pasitea.

Whatever you believe it is definitely a place to visit at some stage in your life.

Ummm I know Positano from watching 'Under the Tuscan Sun' too many times. I know cliche movie that one should not admit to liking at all.
So it's worth going to? After watching some Italian travel dvds I have too many places I have to visit. I need to make a top 6 or 7 max.
Ok, so this makes me want to just quit my job and travel the world! You go to the coolest places!
You are so right! One of the most beautiful places I've been!
So nice to have met you in Malito! I heard the wedding was fabulous! Auguri!
Hi Jewel,
HA! I love watching the Under the Tuscan Sun DVD...but if you have not yet read the book - do NOT! It is horrible!
It depends where in Italy you are going. Where are your main points? North, South or Central? Positano is lovely, but it is not really that easy to reach if say you are going to be in Rome or something. It can always wait for the next trip depending on what you have already planned.
Hi Chad,
I must admit I am lucky to be able to go to some great places!
Hi Carolina,
It was SO nice to meet you too. My email address is australiatoitaly@hotmail.it. Let's keep in touch and I'll see you in 2 years I guess!
I haven't planned much yet, just that I fly out of Australia on the 1st of May and I have to be back at work on the 1st of June.
I have to see Rome, I want to go to Florence, Siena and Venice. Not sure whether I should leave it at that. I guess I can always do day trips. Not sure about trying to fit in the bottom parts of Italy in the same trip. I'm not one of those tourists who wants to cram 10 sights in per day. Maybe one or two every other day and just wander round on the other days.
I have read the book (Under the Tuscan Sun) which apart from buying a house in Cortona and renovating it, is nothing like the movie.
Hi Jewel,
The cities you have chosen are good. From Florence or Siena you can also take a day trip to go and see the Leaning tower of Pisa. You could also go to some other little Tuscan towns. A month is a long time, so you could really slip in another location, but this time around, there is no point coming south - save all of that for the next trip. You should go to the Cinque Terra! Such a beautiful place, and a little like the Positano of the north.
Gorgeous pics Leanne! I heard it was very hot. Mind you it has been 30 degrees every day here in Karratha...and it's winter!
Amalfi looks amazing and I'm sorry we didn't ever get there...grrr why does work always get in the way!?
take care and we are bbqing this weekend so will put a 'shrimp on the barbie' for you and peice of pizza (?) for bel regazzo :)
Hi Monika,
I am sure you will get to Positano one of these days...and I know you saw so many beautiful places when you were living in Florence that it made up for not coming this far south!
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