Tuesday 22 June 2010

Blogging break

There has been so much going on as of late that I have not had the time to write...and saying that I am soon to head off to Scotland for about 6 weeks and won't return till mid August....so so long, farewell and I'll write when I am back.


Gil said...

Have a great time in Scotland!

LindyLouMac said...

Wow what a great new look you have here Leanne.

Have a wonderful trip, look forward to maybe seeing a few photos here on your return?

Canedolia said...

Have fun in Scotland and let me know if you need any tips on dealing with the natives!

hotel maritim berlin said...

Have a great time there.Hope to get some more images the next time.

Anonymous said...

Am missing your blogging Leanne. Here is an award for you: http://justanaussiegirl.blogspot.com/2010/07/in-pink.html

Cheap Hotels said...

have a wicked time!!!