Wednesday 25 August 2010

1+1 = dolce attesa

This photo was taken the other week before going to one of our many weddings. And no...I have not been eating too many cakes...I am in dolce attesa as they poetically say in Italy which means (more or less) sweet wait.

Yep - I am sweetly waiting for bel baby to come and join bel fidanzato and I. We still have a long, long way to go since we are only 17.5 weeks. And no, before you ask bel baby was not an accident! As you know I am in the midst of planning a wedding, so according to some bel fidanzato and I are currently living in sin and all that. Some curious people have asked us if bel baby was a sweet mistake, a lovely surprise perhaps...?  and believe me when I tell you these curious people were not all old, black clad Italian women but amongst them a young, modern Canadian girl too. 

Oh well, the time has come to accept that I shall have no privacy now that I am pregnant and obviously showing. I do after all live in a country that is obsessed with babies. People who I have never met (at least not that I recall meeting) stop me in the streets of Malito to touch my stomach and ask if it's a boy or girl. People have already placed bets they are so certain she will be a she, and he will be a he, "Look at her stomach, that is the stomach of a girl!" "No, no, that is definitely a boy. I should know, I have 2 of them." "You are so big already are you sure you are not expecting twins?" Yeah,'s not like I'm already feeling like a fat heffa or anything.

The past 17.5 weeks have certainly been an experience, and now that I have officially told the blogging world of bel baby, I can share with you in posts to come of all my pleasant, and not so pleasant being pregnant in Italy stories.


Andrea said...

Congrats! Can't say I'm surprised though ;)

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Thanks Andrea!

Anonymous said...

Auguri Leanne. I look forward to reading more posts about bel baby. Being pregnant in Italy can be an interesting experience...

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Thanks Cathy, It sure has been interesting thus far!

Katja said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news!

LindyLouMac said...

Warmest Congratulations to you both Leanne.
Take Care xx

Canedolia said...

Congratulations! You look very healthy and very happy!

Gil said...

Congratulations and the best of luck! I just love how people predict what you are going to have by all of their home made medicine!!!

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Hi Katja,
Thanks :)

Thanks LindyLou

Thanks Canedolia,
I am very happy indeed!

Hi Gil,
Never knew the world was full of fortune tellers :)

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Congratulations Leanne! I am so happy for you and your bel fidanzato. You are positively blooming in that pic and look fabulous. I can't wait to hear all of your pregnancy stories and will be keeping notes for when the time comes for me! Good luck xxx

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Ciao Sarah-Elizabeth,
Thanks :) It was actually a very hot day when the photo was taken so i was sweating more then glowing!