Having a baby certainly keeps you busy, but having a baby and working keeps you extra busy. I'm just starting to realise this. When bel bambino was three weeks old, I decided to print off a few CVs and drive around Cosenza to leave them at some schools. I only ended up leaving my CV with two schools and I wasn't actually expecting or planning to start work, let alone a new job so soon but when it comes to me finding work in an area where the unemployment rate is ridiculously high, I seem to have luck always on my side.
The day after leaving my CV I got a call from one of the biggest private schools in Cosenza, and when bel bambino was 5 weeks old I started working again. It is very hard to leave him, especially since he is so small, he is now still only 10 weeks old, but having a family, having a little person dependent on you means that one has to make sacrifices, and it is a big sacrifice for me to go to work, leaving him to be looked after by different people, but in a place where work is hard to come by I would have been a fool to say no.
Bel fidanzato is a big help. I always knew he was special, but I am now just beginning to realise that he is quite a rarity in these parts. When I tell people that he changes nappies, when he's not working and I am he looks after the baby, he gets up in the nights for his share of the feeds, he cooks and cleans and does his share, ok well a little more then his share of everything. When I tell people this they always say, 'ah, well he's a foreigner it's normal,' when I tell them that no, he is actually Italian they get the shock of their lives!
What a handsome and totally 'maschio' little 'ometto'. I bet it's hard to leave him to go to work!
A beautiful boy for a wonderful family. I envy you Leanne. You are living my dream. A beautiful young family with the opportunity to support yourself in a job of your choosing.
Just out of interest, do you have any other qualifications besides your Australian teaching degree, eg. TESOL qualifications. My 'better half' and I want to do just what you have done (minus the beautiful bambino), but don't know if it's worth me upgrading my teacher quals. What do you think??
He sure looks like one great baby!
I can totally understand how you find it hard leaving this cute little bundle! x x
What a gorgeous photo of your son. Congratulations on finding yourself work as well. Take Care x
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