It feels like so very long since I have written a post, and that may be because my computer has gone a little crazy and would not let me enter my own site...but here I am writing again, and with a little bit of news. On Friday I will be saying ci vediamo to Italy for a while as D Day finally came (much overdue) and I am off to Portugal! I have no idea where, or for how long... All I know is that my ticket is booked and I depart here on Friday. In the mean time I have a busy week touring around Sicily for work.
So please do stay posted as I will be updating you all on the move (should be only for 2 months or so) before I come back to Italy and stay with my bel ragazzo in his Calabrian village.
Sounds like a great opportunity. Keep posting!
Wow, really? Portugal? 2 months? Sounds like an adventure :)
Now there's a twist in "from Australia to Italy" :)
Have a great time in Portugal :)
Delina, Farellina and Madelyne - GRAZIE! I will keep the stories coming from Portugal.
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