Wednesday 30 April 2008

100th Post

It's my 100th post! I am still waiting for my letter from the queen... (For those who have no idea what I am talking about, people who turn 100 in those countries who are 'ruled' by the Queen receive a letter from her on their 100th birthday. Obviously Australia is still part of the Commonwealth and the good ol' Queen Elizabeth is our Queen too. However I think she's a little busy to send letters for blogs.)

Other then that this 100th post will be a post of some of my photo's.

(This is inside Santa Maria Maggiore. They are worshipping the apparent remains of Jesus' manger which is meant to be inside the gold casket.)

Piazza Navona

Inside the Vatican Museums

We all know what this famous Rome land mark is!



Delina said...

Happy 100th!!!

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Thanks Delina!

Lucia said...

Congratulations...what nice pics. I love the laundry one especially I hope to set up a laundry line in my yard, my way of saving energy!

Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Hi Lucia,
I'm glad you liked the pics!