Bel ragazzo and I were only in Venice for 2 nights but that was long enough for us to see the main highlights of the island itself and also to enjoy a trip to some of the outer islands.
During my previous trips I had never visited the islands and had read that Burano in particular was not to be missed. Burano is a small fishing island which also happens to be famous for its lace industry. One of the main draw cards is the fact that the houses are all painted bright, vibrant colours. Legend has it that the fishermen used to paint their houses in these shades so that after a long day at sea, they could spot their home as they sailed towards the island. I believe this as when we were sailing away, you could still spot this island from afar as the houses really are painted such bright colours. Have a look for yourself:
There's only about 5000 people living on the island and it has the such a beautiful atmosphere.
The brightly coloured houses make you feel so cheerful! Have a read of the plaque this person has put by their front door.
If it weren't for the brightly painted houses then the island would be just another nice island...but with a bit of paint it has been transformed into such a unique place. For such a small island it is bursting with activity, there is a main piazza with lots of restaurants, bars and shop after shop after shop selling tourist goods. If you ever go to Venice make sure you take the water boat and visit this fairytale island.
Ooh so pretty! I want to visit that little island now! I hope to get back to Venice one of these days. Haven't been there since 99!
Hi Jennie,
It really is such a pretty island. And by the sounds of it you are due a tip back to italy :)
Hi Leanne,
What great pics. I've been to Venice but not to that island. How cute and colourful!
i've been to venice too...a four day trip in the fall and the city flooded for two of the days we were there. it was quite the experience.
we stayed with a family in Lido, the only island that allows cars and only made it to Murano.
I guess we thought it would be cool to see where Venetian glass came was the saddest little town EVER (it didn't help that it was raining) and I just remember wanting to leave most of the time. What a stark contrast Burano seems to be.
I was so sad we missed it.....especially after seeing how cute and colorful it is!
Hi Monika,
It is such a cute and colourful island. If you ever return to Venice make sure you pay this island a visit.
Hi Eryn,
I too have been in a flooded Venice. The first time I was there the whole of San Marco Piazza was underwater! We went inside the church and had to stand on these make shift platforms.
What a truly colourful island, you would never feel down in the dumps if you lived there...
Hi Anne,
You are so right! If you lived there you could never been sad...the colours would not let you!
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