Ever since August Rome has turned into a construction site. Most of the main roads here are ancient cobble stones and they are not so vehicle friendly. A ride in a car, bus or scooter on these roads is like a work out you jiggle around so much. The cobble stones are all in the process of being replaced. At first I was worried they were going to asphalt the roads, but they simple take the cobble stones off and then replace them evenly.
Seasons are changing, the colours are fading and soon I will be leaving Rome :)
It's a girl! Here in Italy when a baby is born they leave a ribbon, bow, small toy or something similar. Also the traditional pink for a girl and blue for a boy.
Just a street...
I will be away from the blog for a few days as bel ragazzo and I are off to Venice on Monday! You may recall when I found bargain tickets to Venice for 46 euro for 2 return tickets with Ryan Air... well the time has come and we are off to have a little break in the city where there are no cars...what bliss.
Oh I love Venice- hope you have fun there.
So you will be back in Rome ??
Have a romantic time in Venezia - be sure not to stay on the beaten tourist track and but explore the local haunts too !
Hi Red,
Back from Venice and it was great! Such a unique place, really there is no comparison.
Hi Scintilla,
Sadly back in Rome, but we did get off the beaten track and saw some great places in Venice and the surrounding islands.
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